List of A2B Workshops


We present the following workshops to all all professionals, social workers, therapists, community workers, socio-economical developers, NGOs, NPOs, CBOs, small business owners, business managers, corporate conglomerates and the government departments.

Watch this blog or our website ( for dates of the workshops. You can also call together your own group and we will present a workshop for you. The minimum amount of people for a workshop is 25. Send an e-mail to to inquire about workshop contents (that can be adapted to your audience) and costs.

Introduction to the A2B Model - (1 day) This Workshop is Compulsory Before You Can Attend the Other Workshops.

  1. Introduction to the A2b Model.
  2. Laying Down of Foundational Principles and Concepts.
  3. Taking A Look At the Current Occupational Intelligence State of South Africa.
Personal Development Boot Camp - (2 days) This Workshop is Compulsory Before You Can Attend the Other Workshops.
  1. Self-development Workshop.
  2. Experience the Empowerment Process, Facilitated by A Licensed A2b Transformative Provocateur.
Faces of Anxiety - (1 day)
  1. Understanding Anxiety.
  2. Assessment of Anxiety.
  3. Structuring of Environment to Minimize Anxiety and Capitalize and Redirecting its Energy Into Growth and Development.
People on Passive Participation (A2) - (1 day). Working Towards Sustainable Change with People Presenting on an A2 OI-level.

Setting Up An Ecosystem of Change & Power Partnerships - (2 days). Focus on Creating an A2b Eco-system of Change - An Environment That Promotes Maximal Human Development and Empowerment.

A3 and Intra-Preneurship - (1 day). Working Towards Sustainable Change with People Presenting on An A3 OI-Level.

Competency B1 - (1 day). Understanding the Transition to Get to Competent Vocational Participation Levels That is Compliant to the Industry Norms and Standards.

Tasks: A Medium for Empowerment - (2 days)

  1. Assessment of Tasks.
  2. Structuring Tasks.
  3. Adapting Tasks for A Maximum Therapeutic Use.
Entrepreneurialism - (1 day). Giving People Certificates in Entrepreneurship Or Venture Creation is Not Going to Get Them to Become Go-Getters, Self Starters, Decision Makers and Problem Solvers. Rather Learn How to Grow A2 Occupational Intelligence.

Social Entrepreneurialism - (1 day). This Gives You the Tools to Enable to Make Tipping-Point Differences in the World and Integrate the Micro, Social and Competitive Citizen Sector.